Stage Play


22 November 2023


1pm onwards


LH 1

Team Size:



Isha: (+91) 9501666743
Shivam: (+91) 73408-70043

Play could be in English, Hindi or Bi-lingual, or a Musical Drama.
1. Participants will have to submit a pdf file containing the following things in advance: name of college, list of participants, Script.
2. Two teams from the same college can participate but the entries should be in different languages.
3. One team can have a maximum of 15 Actors.
4. A team can have five backstage/props managers, one light incharge, one sound incharge and a round-upartist (if any they have to be registered).
5. The performance can be an original or an adaptation. There are no constraints regarding that. Inappropriate content, religious blasphemy and vulgarity/obscenity will NOT be tolerated.

dramebaaz Stage Play